Monday, December 31, 2012

Beaded Mirror

As I mentioned before, I loved all the fancy mirrors that have been tending across pinterest.  I decided to do a little DIY without much instruction.  I have thousands of tiny beads laying around and a not so fancy 8x10 wall mirror..   Needed to jazz it up a little!

So here's the important stuff.  Mirror - Glue Gun - Extra Glue Sticks.
Oh!  And the beads, make sure you have lot's and lot's of beads!
Personally, I didn't feel like scraping all those little strings of hot glue off the mirror,
so I covered the entire mirror with tin foil (this made for a very easy clean up).
I figured that attempting any design would just be much more time consuming
than I desired, so instead I mixed a few pinches of each color into a bowl.
The rest was simple.  All you do is place some glue on the frame and then sprinkle the beads on top of the glue.  I pressed down on the beads to make sure all areas were covered and that the beads were thoroughly placed into the glue.
I also recommend doing this project on top of a baking sheet so you can collect all beads that don't stick to your project.
This is the final outcome!  As you can see it took THOUSANDS of beads to cover.
Total time for this project was just over 1 hour and since I had all the materials already, it didn't cost me a penny!  Such an easy craft (one you could even do with the kids) and it's a nifty way to make an old mirror look a little bit fancier.  I put this mirror on my vanity and just love how it adds a little something to the overall appearance.  Definitely an easy project I would recommend!
Oh, but just a side note.....   if you're using a hot glue gun.. make sure you unplug it.. so that it doesn't stay turned on all night... just melting its way through the plastic plate you had it sitting on.... like I did.... Oh my!

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